Stollery Programs & Services


Aid for Symptoms & Serious Illness Support Team, Stollery Children's Hospital

Service Description / Contact Information

Your Appointment

We invite you to bring your questions, concerns and worries. We will work to get to know you and your child and establish goals for working together.

We usually attempt to book an ASSIST appointment alongside another reason you are at the Stollery. We may be able to do a home visit in some circumstances.

Our psychologists have an office for counselling on site, or may offer virtual care


What to Expect

Our goal is to get to know you and your needs in order to set goals for how we can best support your child, family and care team.  For you appointment, you will typically meet a physician, and our nurse coordinator.  Sometimes we work alongside a resident or fellow learning about palliative care.

Appointments are most often scheduled for an hour for an initial meeting. Follow up is based on the needs of your child and family.