Job Shadowing

Job Shadow

Experience a day in the life

Job Shadowing is an excellent opportunity to observe what it’s like to a live a day in the life of a healthcare professional.

Job Shadows are typically a one (1) day, non-paid, observational opportunity to view the roles, tasks, and procedures that healthcare employees perform in their field.

Job Shadow Hosts are AHS employees that are willing to have a Job Shadower attend the day with them.

How to get started

1. Find a Job Shadow Host

It is responsibility of the applicant to find their own host. You can use our Find Hospital and Facilities tool to search for healthcare facilities that you are interested in. You may also use an internet search engine to contact a healthcare facility switchboard and be directed to a specific department or unit. Ask to speak with the manager of the department or unit you are interested in. Managers are aware of the job shadow process and are encouraged to find hosts for interested applicants.

2. Fill out the Job Shadow Online Registration Form

Once you have found your host, fill out the external participant Job Shadow Online Registration Form. This is an online application form that will be sent to the manager for approval. Ensure that you have the host and manager’s full name and AHS email address to complete this form. Please remind the manager that they will need to watch their email for the form so they can approve it.

To complete the Job Shadow Online Registration Form you will need to know:

  • Start date and end date for your Job Shadow
  • Name of the employee you will be shadowing plus their title, phone number, and email, as well as, department, facility, city, and zone
  • Name and email of the employee’s manager

3. Provide your immunization records to the manager

Immunization records must be shown to the manager (they do not need to be saved/copied by the manager). Job Shadowers are required to have the Rubella vaccine. It is also strongly recommended for the Job Shadower to have the following vaccinations and/or immunizations: Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Tetanus + Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, Polio, Hepatitis B, Varicella (Chickenpox), Seasonal Influenza and Tuberculosis skin test. Additional vaccination may be required at the discretion of the unit manager.

4. Watch the Information and Privacy and IT Security Awareness video

Watch the Information & Privacy and IT Security Awareness video and complete the online learning module found on the Education and Training page. Submit the signed Confidentiality and User Agreement on the last page of the module to the manager.

Once all of these steps are completed, you are ready to attend your scheduled Job Shadow!

Please reach out to if you have any questions about this process.

Career Resources

Visit our Career Profiles to learn more about career opportunities with us.

The Government of Alberta’s alis – Careers, Learning, and Employment website also provides great resources to help you explore different occupations.


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